
    Alternaria Stem Canker:

    Disease ID : ToPDB_DD008

    Summary :

    Introduction : Alternaria Stem canker is a common bacterial disease of field and greenhouse tomatoes in Europe. It can also affect the stem base and roots, as well as causing fruit rot.

    Pathogen cause : alternaria alternata

    Host distribution : Lycopersicon esculentum, Lycopersicon peruvianum and Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium

    Sign and Symptoms:

    Darek brown to black cankers with concentric zonation occur on stems near the soil or aboveground; large cankers are often associated with wounds produced by pruning petioles. The cankers enlarge slowly and by harvest stem are girdled and plants die. Small tan to brown lesion are interspersed between the larger lesion . Tissues beneath the cankers exhibit a brown dry rot especially in the pith area. The xylem 4-7cm above and below the cankers.


    Its etiology has been uncertain because of susceptibility of field resistant cultivars in greenhouse inoculation and failure to induce the disease by A. alternata

    Gene(s) Resposible for Disease:

    Gene ID :NA


    Biocontrol: Basidiomycetous yeast Rhodosporidium paludigenum

    Chemical control: Calcium chloride

    Bibliography :