
    Cyst :

    Disease ID : ToPDB_DD036

    Summary :

    Introduction : Cyst disease is caused by nematodes , plant-parasitic nematodes from the genus Globodera. They exist in soil in areas with hot climates .

    Pathogen cause : Globodera rostochiensis
    Host distribution : Solanum tuberosum, Lycopersicon esculentum, Abelmoschus esculentus, Carya illinoensis, Colocasia esculenta

    Sign and Symptoms:

    There are not any clear symptoms of infection on tomato with the exception of presence of small white to brown cysts on roots.


    Cysts of Globodera rostochiensis can survive for several years in anabiosis in soil. Root exsudates of potential host makes the larvae to hatch. They infest roots and develop over two juvenile stages to become male or female. Females are fertilized by males and eggs develop inside their bodies that finally form the cysts.

    Gene(s) Resposible for Disease:

    Gene ID :NA


    Biocontrol: Neem oil+extract of Nicotiana tabacum 0.5% or Veratrum album 1.0%

    Chemical control: Soaking potato tuber pieces for 15 min in 8,000 μg/ml of oxamyl just before planting reduced the number of Globodera rostochiensis cysts that developed on potato roots

    Bibliography :