
    Leaf Necrosis:

    Disease ID : ToPDB_DD047

    Summary :

    Introduction : Leaf necrosis disease occasionally occurs in greenhouse plants allowed to grow too soft or luxuriant. Caused by virus.

    Pathogen cause : Potato virus Y
    Host distribution : Lycopersicon esculentum

    Sign and Symptoms:

    Newly infected plants exhibit dark brown dead areas in mature leaflets - especially the terminal one; young leaves develop chlorosis around veins; new growth after infection appears slightly distorted, faintly mottled with leaves and petioles curling downward; stems are streaked purple; plants are stunted and poor yielding with no fruit symptoms.


    Vectored by aphids from weed hosts.The disease does not appear to spread within the crop, but much of its biology is not well understood.

    Gene(s) Resposible for Disease:

    Gene ID :1494052, 2828903, 12987413, 278597, 274695 , 271058, 265017, 238408, 299542, 299389, 299388 , 299386


    Biocontrol: Chitosan

    Chemical control: Buprufezin and Soap Solution

    Bibliography :