
    Pith Necrosis :

    Disease ID : ToPDB_DD006

    Summary :

    Introduction : Pith necrosis disease is a serious bacterial plant disease. Pith necrosis disease, occasionally occurs in greenhouse plants allowed to grow too soft or luxuriant.

    Pathogen cause : Pseudomonas viridiflava , Pseudomonas corrugata

    Host distribution : Lycopersicon esculentum

    Sign and Symptoms:

    Blackish lesions that appear on the stems. This condition is most troublesome at the beginning of picking. The stems may collapse wherever the lesions occur The pith is black, soft, and rotted, sometimes with cavities near the base of the stem. The leaves wilt and may be yellowish near the top of the stem.


    Occasionally occurs in greenhouse plants allowed to grow too soft or luxuriant.The disease does not appear to spread within the crop, but much of its biology is not well understood.

    Gene(s) Resposible for Disease:

    Gene ID :NA


    Biocontrol: NA

    Chemical control: Sodium hypocloride (at 1%), HCl in 0.6 M concentration, 8 hydroxyqunoline (at 0.5-1%), cooper acetate (at 0.2%), streptomycine (at 50 and 100 ppm) and bronopol

    Bibliography :