
    Pseudocurly Top:

    Disease ID : ToPDB_DD060

    Summary :

    Introduction : Pseudocurly Top disease is caused by virus , it infects the plant in Very warm fall months when vector is prevalent.

    Pathogen cause : Pseudocurly top virus

    Host distribution : Lycopersicon esculentum

    Sign and Symptoms:

    Leaves roll upwards with leaflets twisted to expose underside; plants become brittle and chlorotic; leaflet veins turn purple; branches and stems become very erect, with marked internode shortening. Plants are stunted with few, if any, fruit.


    Vectored by the treehopper (Micrutalis) from weed hosts such as ragweed, nightshade, and ground cherry.

    Gene(s) Resposible for Disease:

    Gene ID :944410, 944409, 944408, 944407 ,944405,944406


    Biocontrol: Isolates of rhizosphere

    Chemical control: NA

    Bibliography :