
    Sour Rot:

    Disease ID : ToPDB_DD041

    Summary :

    Introduction : Sour rot is caused by a fungus. It is one of the most destructive diseases of tomato foliage .

    Pathogen cause : Geotrichum klebahnii

    Host distribution : Lycopersicon esculentum, Solanum lycopersicum

    Sign and Symptoms:

    Sour odor is evident


    Rot begins at stem scar followed by whitish fungal growth; can occur on mature green and ripe tomatoes;The sour-rot pathogen, Geotrichum candidum, is a type of yeast. Its growth on lesions on fruit resembles a thick, gelatinous mass similar in appearance to cottage cheese. The lesions themselves may initially be watery but later become coated with pathogen growth and remain relatively firm unless a secondary infection by a soft rot bacterium occurs. However, the odor of these lesions is similar to that produced by lactic acid bacteria, hence the disease name, sour rot.

    Gene(s) Resposible for Disease:

    Gene ID :NA


    Biocontrol: NA

    Chemical control: NA

    Bibliography :