
    Tomato Spotted Wilt:

    Disease ID : ToPDB_DD058

    Summary :

    Introduction : Tomato Spotted wilt disease is a viral plant disease, is becoming common in disease across the world . It is a highly contagious disease that can be spread easily during crop handling.

    Pathogen cause : Tomato spotted wilt Virus

    Host distribution : Lycopersicon esculentum

    Sign and Symptoms:

    Bronze discoloration of young leaves; development of small dark-colored lesions on leaf blades; dieback of tips of terminal branches and often a distinctive purplish streaking of distal portions of stems and petioles. Plants may be stunted. Leaves can droop downward, giving the plant a wilted appearance. Green fruit may show faint, yellowish or brown, concentric rings. These rings turn red and white or red and yellow as fruit ripen.


    The virus is vectored by several species of thrips, including the western flower thrips and the onion thrips. The disease can be prevalent under conditions that favor development and movement of the thrips vector.

    Gene(s) Resposible for Disease:

    Gene ID :956581, 956578, 956580, 956582 ,956579


    Biocontrol: Predatory insects

    Chemical control: Organophosphates and Chlorinated hydrocarbon